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What is Hypnosis?
Hypnosis is simply a state of relaxed focus. Hypnosis is really a natural state of mind and is an important part of everyday life. In fact, each of us enters such a state - sometimes called a trance state - at least twice a day: once when we are falling asleep, and once when we are waking up. Whenever our mind wanders, daydreams or is focused on something, such as reading a book, driving a familiar route, watching a film we are in a state of hypnosis.
What is Hypnotherapy
Hypnotherapy is the process of using hypnosis to interact with the subconscious mind in an open-reflective process to create positive change in your life. The conscious mind, the mind you are conscious of, is the critical part of your mind and only constitutes 15% - 20% of who you are. The subconscious mind is the part that directs your conduct through the habits and emotional desires acquired from the influences of your environment, before you were old enough to reject harmful ideas and concepts. Through proper use of autosuggestion and guided imagery the hypnotic state you reprogram the subconscious mind to make decisions favorable to your welfare.
What's a session like?
Your hypnotherapist will take detailed history and then discuss your goal and what you would like to see or feel at the end of your sessions.
Using a range of different techniques your hypnotherapist will relax you, make you feel comfortable and work with you towards achieving your goal with guided imagery.
After a session you may feel uplifted, lighter and very relaxed. Often change is very subtle, as your hypnotherapist will be working with your subconscious mind, and you may just notice a very positive shift in how you are feeling.
What does it feel like?
Hypnosis is a natural state of mind; people are often surprised that they hear every word and could get up and walk out of the room at any moment. Unless you enter a deeper state, you may not seem any different, just very relaxed.
It’s similar to drifting off to sleep at night, that stage when you are not quite awake and not quite asleep, you may feel a sense of weightlessness or you may feel heaviness as all your muscles relax. Everyone experiences it differently, and your therapist will be able to reassure you and help you relax and enjoy the experience.
Most people are surprised at just how relaxing it is.
Is Hypnotherapy medically approved?
Yes, the American Psychiatric Association and the British Medical Association approved hypnosis as a viable therapeutic tool. Hypnosis should never be used to substitute for medical care but can be used as a holistic partner to traditional medicine.
How can it help me?
Hypnosis is used to change attitudes, habits, beliefs and behaviors. It will not make you grow taller or change the color of your eyes, but it will help with emotional states of mind that contribute towards the healing of conditions.
How can it help me?
Hypnosis is used to change attitudes, habits, beliefs and behaviors. It will not make you grow taller or change the color of your eyes, but it will help with emotional states of mind that contribute towards the healing of conditions.
Hypnotherapy can be used with a mind-body connection approach; it can help with resolving and clearing emotional, mental and spiritual blocks which can manifest in the physical form.
Hypnosis can be used to help treat a wide range of issues such as:
Fears and phobias
Anxiety and stress
Panic attacks
Physical conditions such as headaches
Lack of confidence or self-esteem
Manage pain
Improve performance at work or in sport
Quit Smoking
Weight Management
Changing habits or behaviors
Increasing motivation and achieving goals
Letting go of the past
Surgical Anxiety
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